Event and
Our rooms represent an ideal tool to improve team cohesion, they facilitate communication and the capacity of dealing with problems. The specific tasks determine the players to work as a team, to make decisions together. The positive experience is guaranteed, the participant’s brains enters the “fun” operating mode and that, coupled with an intellectually challenging task pushes the players in a so called FLOW psychological state (more about THE FLOW)
The adventure, experienced together by the members of the team, increases their potential in front of future challenges.
La ce ajută pentru companii?
Fără îndoială că și firma dumneavoastră dorește să ofere uneori prime sau recompense angajaților sau să organizeze activități de socializare pentru aceștia, experiențele dobândite cu ocazia participării la un joc de evadare reprezintă cea mai bună oportunitate pentru astfel de activități de tip team building sau oferta de stimulente. Firma noastră are capacitatea de primire a 36 de persoane participante/aprox. oră
Pentru angajați - avantaje
De multe ori omul are convingerea că își cunoaște colegii și are o idee formată despre capacitățile și talentele colegilor. Jocul nostru reprezintă un mod ideal de întărire a relațiilor extraprofesionale într-un mod distractiv, de asemenea este o ocazie excelentă de a interacționa sau pentru a descoperi aptitudini noi ale colegilor.
Pentru compartimentele de resurse umane
Serviciile noastre pot constitui baza unor evaluări incluse în programul cursurilor de specializare, ele favorizează loializarea față de companie, ajută la integrarea mai rapidă a noilor angajați, cât și, pe termen lung la mai buna organizare și coordonare a muncii, beneficiind de costuri deductibile.

Do you celebrate a birthday or some other anniversary? Do you want to escape the boring day to day routine? Do you want to make somebody’s birthday a memorable one and hide their present in the escape room? We will do our best for you to have an unforgettable anniversary and we are always open to further suggestions. Enjoy your time!

Bachelor &
Are you preparing to have a Bachelor or Bachelorette party? We are ready to offer you a unique option for an extraordinary one. If you had a “warm up” before arriving to play, we suggest choosing from the easier rooms as the main purpose of these is not as much to escape as to have fun and spend time together on these special occasions.

friends &
Do you want to have a really special experience together with your friends or colleagues from work? The escape games are just right for you. Have a brake from the day to day work and disconnect yourself from reality for a while by experimenting with this new kind of adventure. If you have ever been in any of our games and you feel that your colleagues or friends would enjoy this kind of entertainment surprise them with a voucher, you have plenty of rooms to choose from.

You have decided to take the biggest step of your life and want to propose in a special way. Why don’t you let her find the wedding ring in one of our rooms? Contact us so we can help you to build the plan. But in order to stop any suspicion you should bring your friends in the team to witness the occasion. If you know somebody who could use our help on that issue let him know about us.